As any other Adivasis, Dangi children spend their childhood in hills and fields, helping their parents in the best of the cases.
The mission and the children...
Children taking bath...
Time for lunch...
Visiting villages...
La vie sans risque serait insipide... Life without risk would be bland...
“Real generosity toward the future consists in giving all to what is present”
“The best time to plant a tree was forty years ago. The second best time is today. Don’t waste even one minute of your day”
“Never put off happiness for the sake of achievement. Never put off the things that are important for your well-being and satisfaction to a later time. Today is the day to live fully, not when you win the lottery or when you retire. Never put off living”
“Failure is not having the courage to try, nothing more and nothing less. The only thing standing between most people and their dreams is the fear of failure. Yet failure is essential to success in any endeavor. Failure tests us and allows us to grow. It offers us lesson and guides us along the path of enlightenment. Never fear failure.”
“The boundaries of your life are merely creations of the self”
“Courage allows you to run your own race. Courage allows you to do whatever you want to do because you know that it is right. Courage gives you the self-control to persist where others have failed. Ultimately, the degree of courage you live with determines the amount of fulfillment you receive. It allows you to truly realize all the exquisite wonders of the epic that is your life. And those who master themselves have an abundance of courage”
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be”